good news from france!

The French anthroposophists (or rather the French Federation of Steiner Waldorf Schools) appear to have lost the defamation lawsuit they brought against Grégoire Perra for writing about his time as a waldorf student, anthroposophist and waldorf teacher in this essay (also here). Thanks to these anthroposophists’ foolishness in thinking that it’s ok to try to suppress people’s viewpoints by taking legal action, a lot more people have now read Grégoire’s essay. Which, I gather, was not part of their plan. Lesson to learn: if you don’t want to look like a cult, it’s better to avoid such frivolous lawsuits or other equally silly behaviours.

I got the great news this evening, and we’re still howling, cheering and tail-wagging, mr Dog and I!

Hopefully, there will be some more information later.

Meanwhile, here are my old posts about the case and related stuff. They contain many relevant links, et c.

You’ll find Grégoire’s blog here.

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